Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Travel records of more than one million people every month are being accessed by British Government

Travel records of one million people every month accessed by the Government Britain is fighting a new European Union law which would restrict its access to the data, it has emerged. There were 200 million so-called passenger movements across UK borders last year. By 2015 this figure is likely to have risen to 300 million. For the past few years, the British Government has been using information from travel agents and airlines to spy on electronic records to tackle anything from immigration and revenue offences to serious crimes. The data is handed over to the Home Office through the e-Borders programme. It includes personal information like name, address, itinerary, meal preference, sex, detail of travel companions and credit card numbers. Tthe Home Office admitted it had collected this level of detail on 54 million people since the launch of e-Borders in January 2005. (link via e-Borders How charming (not!) to think there is a database like this - even details about meal preference! How do you feel about your personal life getting snooped on like this?


  1. I'd be unhappy even without the government's somewhat lamentable record regarding keeping such data secure.
    Since we don't have a written constitution we have this ingrained culture of state secrecy which seems ever less likely to change for the better. xx

  2. How true - it's not just the worry about the security of the data, but the increasing power of the state (and secrecy) that is a big concern.


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