Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Action for Happiness campaign launched today

Action for Happiness, is a new charity aiming to help create a happier society - by enabling people to make positive changes in their personal lives, homes, workplaces and communities.

Ten keys to happier living:

Giving - Do things for others
Relating - Connect with people
Exercising - Take care of your body
Appreciating - Notice the world around
Trying Out -  Keep learning new things

Direction - Have goals to look forward to
Resilience - Find ways to bounce back
Emotion -  Take a positive approach
Acceptance - Be comfortable with who you are
Meaning - Be part of something bigger

The first five relate to how we interact with the outside world in our daily activities. The second five come more from inside us and depend on our attitude to life.


What do you think of this campaign? Do you think it's a good idea, and that it will help to create a happier society?


  1. All very laudable but I really can't see it making much difference to the public at large, especially at the present time! Flighty xx

  2. I think you're quite right, Flighty.

  3. Well done Elizabeth! Actually, I do too. :)

    I wonder how effective this campaign will be for those who are unhappy though.


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