Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Hoxton Hotel: October £1 Sale

It's time again for the famous £1 sale at The Hoxton Hotel: Thursday 1st October at 12.00pm (midday) 500 rooms at £1 & 500 rooms at £29 Available 1st Nov 09 - 31st Jan 10 Hoxton Hotel 81 Great Eastern Street London EC2A 3HU Good Luck - this sale is very popular! Please note: I have no connection with The Hoxton Hotel - I just like to pass along information about a great deal when I can!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Julie and Julia: movie review

My husband and I saw Julie and Julia over the weekend. I knew my husband wasn't looking forward to the movie at all - and it didn't help when the young man who we bought our popcorn and drinks from asked us what movie we were going to see and grimaced when I told him, and he said, "It's a cooking movie" as he rolled his eyes. Fortunately, it is more than just a "cooking movie" and it's not just a silly "chick flick" either - in fact, it's a wonderful feel-good movie based on two different true stories but woven seamlessly together. One story is about how Julia Child, a famous (in the USA) American TV chef, began her path to her new career in the cooking profession by studying at the Cordon Bleu academy in post Second World War France. Julia Child was famous for her height (6ft 2in) and her distinctive voice which Meryl Streep manages to re-create so perfectly. The actess even manages to look much taller and ungainly, so she resembles the famous Julia Child in appearance too. The other story is about Julie Powell (Amy Adams), a young woman living in New York who decides to cook all 524 recipes from Julia Child's cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, during a single year, and to blog about it. Her blog was turned into a book - and then into this movie. It was interesting to see how she faced the challenge and I can see why her blog became so popular. The best bits of the movie were the scenes with Julia Child (Meryl Streep) and her husband, Paul Child (Stanley Tucci). They were utterly devoted to one another and the way their loving relationship is portrayed is absolutely delightful to watch. My husband and I both really enjoyed the movie. And even though my husband had no idea who Julia Child was (as indeed most British people wouldn't know), he said it was better than he expected. It was a lot funnier than I expected. Meryl Streep was brilliant. I highly recommend it.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The latest internet craze: the Lying Down Game

Have you heard about the latest internet craze? Photos of people lying down in random places are posted on the social networking site Facebook. In my opinion, it's silly and ridiculous and a total waste of time. I can't imagine taking part myself but can see where the trend might appeal to bored teenagers or university students. I certainly would never expect this behavior from people while they are at work and especially not from health-care workers but unbelievably, it has occurred within the NHS: Seven NHS staff suspended over Facebook 'Lying Down Game' picturesSeven doctors and nurses have been suspended from duty at a hospital accident and emergency department after taking part in the latest internet craze: the Lying Down Game. (link via timesonline) What on earth were they thinking? They are supposed to be professionals. I am appalled. There is no excuse for their outrageous behavior while at work in a hospital. It makes me wonder about the future of society when doctors and nurses think it's okay to take part in a silly game like the Lying Down Game while they are at work. What do you think about the Lying Down Game? What do you think about this incident?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Specsavers Postman Pat Advertisement

Have you seen the new advert for Specsavers using the cartoon characters from Postman Pat, the British animated children's television series? When my sons were little, they loved the programme and the books, and I enjoyed them too so I adore the advert:

Friday, September 4, 2009

Obama school speech

Barack Obama has been accused of attempting to indoctrinate America's children with "socialist ideology". His plan for a televised address to be shown in classrooms when children return to school next week provoked sparked complaints from parents and fuelled the growing conservative backlash against his leadership. Critics alleged that the address planned for Tuesday was another example of state interference and so-called "big government" by the Democrat president following his record financial stimulus spending and plans for health care reforms. Officials across the country fielded irate calls from parents after it was revealed that the federal education department had encouraged schools to make children watch the 15-minute address. Districts in states including Texas, Minnesota, Missouri, Virginia and Illinois have declined to show the speech, which the White House said would be about no more than the need to work hard and finish education. (link via It sounds like parents are afraid to let their children listen to a speech by the president. Why?? Am I missing something? What is wrong with listening to President Obama extoll the virtues of education? Why is this controversial?

The graphic road safety film that has spread virally on the Internet.

Made in Britain for just a few thousand pounds: The graphic road safety film that's taken the world by storm A low-budget Welsh road safety film about the dangers of sending text messages when driving has become an international sensation.The hard-hitting four-minute short - created by Gwent Police in South Wales for 'just a few thousand pounds' using amateur actors - has been viewed by more than six million people in the last month alone. (link via "Texting While Driving PSA” (Warning - contains graphic content):

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Outbreak: 70 years ago today, the start of WW2

I just watched an excellent documentary on ITV called "Outbreak" to mark the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the Second World War. It's a fascinating, hour-by-hour account of the day's events on 3rd September, 1939: To mark the 70th anniversary of the start of the Second World War, this programme tells the story of that fateful Sunday 3 September 1939, hour by hour, chronicling the ultimatum, the declaration of war and the King's radio broadcast. Witnesses to the event share their memories, including Richard Attenborough, George Cole, Tony Benn, Vera Lynn, Betty Driver, Nicholas Parsons, Peter Blake, Lady Soames, Countess Mountbatten of Burma, other relatives of the main players and members of the public across the world. I find programmes like this particularly interesting because my mother is from England. She told me lots of stories about what day-to-day life was like during the war. And while watching this show, when I heard the sound of the air raid sirens, it reminded me of the sound of the sirens used for tornado warnings in Minnesota so I could certainly understand why my mother always says she is reminded of the war when tornado season starts and the sirens are sounded. Excellent documentary! Did you watch it?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Top 10 RomComs (romantic comedies)

After reading this article titled Top 10 romcoms of all time (via The First Post), I just had to share my own list of top ten romcoms: Bringing Up Baby (1938) - Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant This old-fashioned screwball comedy is also on my list of top ten favourite movies. It's a very funny movie about an eccentric woman and her pet leopard called "Baby" and a harried paleontologist (Cary Grant). If you ever feel depressed, you should watch this movie. It is guaranteed to lift your mood and make you smile. The Philadelphia Story (1940) - Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant, James Stewart This movie is another one that is also on my list of top ten favourite movies. The storyline is about a wealthy divorced woman about to get married again and how she ends up torn between her fiancé, her ex-husband, and a reporter. The sterling performances by the three lead actors make this delightful movie one of the best ever romantic comedies. French Kiss (1995) - Meg Ryan, Kevin Kline This movie is a perfect romantic comedy in my opinion. The movie has the perfect balance - it is very romantic but also very very funny. And it's another movie that is on my list of top ten favourite movies. The chemistry between Meg and Kevin in this movie is incredible. The biggest surprise is that Kevin Kline (an American actor) plays the part of a Frenchman and he is very, very convincing. Plus it's filmed in France - definitely a bonus for any romantic movie! And there is a lovely, evocative soundtrack with the best song saved for last as the credits roll - Charles Trenet's "La Mer", performed by Kevin Kline in French. The perfect finishing touch to a perfect movie! Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) - Hugh Grant, Andie MacDowell, Simon Callow, John Hannah This British movie is popular with everyone and for good reason. It's romantic but also laugh-out-loud funny and also quite poignant. The famous scene where Gareth (Simon Callow) is having his heart attack and Charles (Hugh Grant) is desperately looking for Matthew (John Hannah) always gets to me. And then the funeral...when Matthew makes his speech and recites "Funeral Blues" by W.H. Auden. Notting Hill (1999) - Hugh Grant, Julia Roberts This British movie is a sweet and funny story about a very rich and very famous American movie star and a British bookshop owner who works and lives in Notting Hill and how they meet and fall in love despite their hugely different lifestyles. The characters are played to perfection against the backdrop of London. Sleepless in Seattle (1993) - Meg Ryan, Tom Hanks This charming movie has the perfect stars and a sweet and totally believable romance, which is engineered by the young son of a widower played by Tom Hanks. The movie has all the right ingredients for a genuine romantic comedy plus one of the best movie soundtracks with songs such as "As Time Goes By" and "Make Someone Happy" by Jimmy Durante and "Stand By Your Man" by Tammy Wynette. While You Were Sleeping (1995) - Sandra Bullock, Bill Pullman I love this movie because all the characters are so darn loveable - not just the main characters. It's about a young woman who saves the life of a man and while she visits him in the hospital, his family mistakenly assume she is his fiancée. I adore the interaction between the characters of the man's family. It's very believable and also very funny. Bridget Jones's Diary (2001) - Renee Zellweger, Hugh Grant, Colin Firth This British movie is based on the novel of the same name written by Helen Fielding. The author admitted that her novel was based upon Jane Austen's book, Pride and Prejudice and also the BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. So it's a nice little "joke" and a bonus that the actor, Colin Firth was cast as Mark Darcy since Colin Firth played Mr Darcy in the BBC production. Bridget Jones is a loveable character and her being romanced by two handsome men who are also very opposite characters makes for a very funny and very sweet romantic story. And the American actress, Renee Zellweger is impressive in her role as the very English Bridget Jones. Her accent is perfect. Overboard (1987) - Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell Goldie Hawn plays the part of a rich, spoiled woman who ends up developing amnesia after a fall (as you do in movies!) and being tricked into believing she is married to a widower (Kurt Russell) and mother to his four very badly behaved children. It's a predictable romantic comedy but it's still very funny and good family entertainment. And the chemistry between the lead actors is very real since Goldie and Kurt are a couple in real-life. Something's Gotta Give (2003) - Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton, Keanu Reeves Who would have thought that Jack Nicholson could play a romantic lead and be believable? Well he did and he is. I was also surprised by the chemistry between Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton. It really works. I love this movie because it shows an older couple in a romantic movie and it's not insulting or demeaning in any way. In fact, the characters are lovable and quite believable. I also love the way the movie portrays a younger man (Keanu Reeves) falling in love with an older woman. Again, it's quite believable. And why not? This is just a delightful romantic comedy. What do you think of my list? Which romcoms would be on your top 10 list?